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教程:在adobeaudition CS6中删除弹出、点击和背景噪声

Two types of noises degrade the audio you shoot with your video: random noises like microphone clicks and pops, 以及持续的噪音,比如白噪音或空调嗡嗡声. 本教程演示如何在Adobe Audition CS6中删除它们.

There are two types of noises that degrade the audio that you shoot with your video: random noises like microphone clicks and pops, 以及持续的噪音,比如白噪音或空调嗡嗡声. 在本教程中,我将向您展示如何在Adobe Audition中删除它们.


图1(下面) 显示我们将要处理的音频剪辑的波形, in the Source Window you can see that there are some pretty significant pops and clicks (represented by the long, 在波形中弹出的细竖线). 我们还看到音频太低. (Be sure to refer to the video at the top of this page to hear the noises I refer to in the 文本 of this article.)

Adobe Premiere Pro CS6
图1. 我们将使用的波形-多次弹出和点击,整体音量太低.

任何时候你提高音频音量, 你冒着背景噪音出现并变得重要的风险. 如果您使用的是Adobe生产高级版CS6, 您需要在Adobe Audition中执行此工作, the professional audio editing application that ships with Premiere Pro CS6 when you purchase it in most Creative Suite versions.

在试听中打开剪辑, 在时间轴中选择该文件, then choose Edit > Edit in Adobe Audition > Clip (下面的图2)选择剪辑,而不是序列,并在试听中打开它.

Adobe Premiere Pro CS6
图2. 在试听中选择要编辑的剪辑

Adobe生产高级然后做渲染和替换, 原始音频被替换为音频提取.Wav文件显示在 图3(下面), 图4(在图3下面) 在Audition中显示音频文件. And we do in fact see several significant pops and clicks in the waveform now opened in Audition, 如图4所示.

Adobe Premiere Pro CS6
图3. 原始音频渲染和替换为一个名为audio Extracted_2的新文件.wav

Adobe Audition CS6
图4. Adobe Audition中的音频文件

本教程演示了Adobe Audition的Remix功能, which allows you to shorten the length of a music track to match the duration of your video edit.
This tutorial demonstrates how to use an 后的效果 alpha matte to make your video "shine through" your 文本.
今天,Adobe宣布了将在NAB上首次亮相的所有Creative Cloud视频应用程序的更新. 以下是最新消息的详细内容, 加上四个关键的新功能的视频教程在Premiere Pro CC:主剪辑, 生活的文本, 掩蔽和跟踪, 以及新的4K格式支持.
而后的效果可能会让一些Premiere Pro编辑望而生畏, here is an easy-to-follow workflow that can enliven your 文本 and titles with pre-built animations found in Adobe Bridge, 在后的效果中应用了几个简单的步骤, 并直接导入到您的Premiere Pro时间轴.
来自ShinyWhiteBox的一款基于mac的屏幕监控应用iShowU.com, 是快速的, 易于使用的, inexpensive; here's a look at how to use it to produce pro screencams that you can import into Adobe Premiere Pro CC to integrate into your video projects.
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Here are three quick tips that will streamline your titling workflow in Premiere Pro when you create styles you like and want to use them consistently without reinventing them each time.
This video tutorial demonstrates how to restore muffled sections of spoken audio using the Multiband Compressor in Adobe Premiere Pro CC or Adobe Audition.
This video tutorial demonstrates how to use and leverage 3 key new features in Adobe Media Encoder CC: Lumetri Looks support, 和图像, 文本, 和时间码叠加.
This tutorial demonstrates how to apply an effect to a portion of a video image while leaving the rest of the clip untouched, 以及如何在整个剪辑过程中跟踪图像的这一部分, 使用adobepremiere Pro CC中的Track Matte效果.
Recent upgrades to Adobe CC make it easy to apply graded looks in Adobe Premiere Pro CC and match shots with different color temperatures via seamless roundtripping between Premiere Pro CC and SpeedGrade CC.
探索3个新的关键功能在试听CC, the newest version of Adobe's professional audio editing application: Sound Removal for eliminating hums and other variable-frequency unwanted noises, 响度雷达仪表,用于匹配和坚持广播音量标准, 和自动语音对齐ADR.
Background noise and pops and clicks in audio are an unfortunate fact of life for many productions. 在本教程中,我们将探索一些修复,你可以尝试在Final Cut Pro X.
1月时 sits down with Bill Roberts to discuss the trends impacting the future direction of Adobe Creative Suite for video pros, 包括3D的衰落, 4K的兴起, 第二屏幕观看. Other topics included the growth of Creative Cloud, the development arc of Apple Final Cut Pro X.
在Final Cut Pro X和Premiere Pro CS6之间有很多比较, 主要关注功能和工作流. This article discusses a series of multiple-format benchmark tests that analyzed comparative performance between the two programs.
Adobe Creative Suite获得云处理, 为制作人提供Photoshop的许可选择, Premiere Pro, 后的效果, Flash Pro和其他CS6应用程序按月订阅, 而不是购买盒装产品的永久许可.
Adobe的摄取和简单的转码工具不会让你摆脱记录的任务, 但对于那些只使用adobe软件的人来说, 前奏的功能将使您的编辑, 合成, 或者甚至现场生产剪辑创建工作流程相当容易.
当你为网络压缩视频时,视频会变暗,颜色会变淡. 在本教程中, I'll show you how to correct color and adjust brightness and color saturation with Adobe Premiere Pro's Fast Color Corrector.
如果你是一个百家乐软件app最新版下载,你必须知道如何制作H.264用于Flash分发和移动设备. 幸运的是, Adobe Media Encoder makes this simple with multiple presets for desktop and mobile players which I'll show you how to find and customize in this tutorial.
Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder (FMLE)可以在Windows和Mac电脑上运行,并且是免费的. 尽管与其他软件编码器相比,运行FMLE需要更大的计算机, 你会得到高质量的回报, 一致的视频流. 在本教程中,我将引导您完成使用FMLE生成实时事件的步骤.
在本教程中 you'll learn how to maximize the brightness and contrast of your video in Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 using the Brightness, 对比, 和伽马校正控制有效和平衡的调整.
Video encoding and editing expert 1月时 provides three useful tips that will enhance your workflow and get you out of some editing jams in your Adobe Premiere Pro projects: editing audio without unlinking; Fill Left and Fill Right to create stereo audio; and creating nested sequences for smoother edits and creating reusable set pieces in your projects.
Adobe Premiere Pro Instructor extraordinaire Luisa Winters explains how to use the new and enhanced Multi-Camera Monitor for quick and efficient multicam edits in Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 in this video and 文本 tutorial.
新版本的Adobe媒体编码器, 包括在刚刚发布的CS6系列中,以及作为一个独立的产品, 在可用性和性能方面提供了显著的改进, 还有新功能. 以下是你需要知道的.
在NAB采访林尚恩的最后一部分, Shawn talks with Adobe's Al Mooney about key new features in Premiere Pro CS6 and Adobe Media Encoder.