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MediaPlatform让全球2000强公司制作优质的流媒体业务广播,用于吸引他们的混合员工, 吸引和吸引虚拟活动和会议观众, 衡量和理解每个观众的体验.  MediaPlatform为视频专业人士提供了无与伦比的灵活性,将品牌商业广播转化为动态体验, resizing and adding video, image, 文本和第三方网站小部件, 以及QA等互动元素, surveys, 民意调查和情绪投票图标-创造高度独特和可定制的体验,反映他们的企业品牌和文化. MediaPlatform was named a Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Video Content Management.

Product Description

MediaPlatform’s end-to-end enterprise video platform lets organizations webcast, capture, stream, transcode, host, deliver and govern all live and on-demand video assets within a single, 集中管理的平台,专为满足企业环境的规模和安全需求而构建.  核心元素包括网络直播, 企业视频内容管理, technology-agnostic video delivery and industry-leading video intellienge and analytics.

MediaPlatform® Broadcaster

MediaPlatform® Broadcaster was built exclusvely for the unique requirements of business broadcasting. Businesses, 和他们的媒体同行没什么不同, make significant investments in live broadcasts with a specific ROI in mind: to deliver credible, 吸引和激励员工的优质内容, partners and prospects. Broadcaster’s new content creation capabilities let companies take live webcasts to new levels, 使制作人能够构建几乎无限的网络直播模板,他们可以使用这些模板在事件期间在视频之间切换, 图像和交互元素. 其结果是各种各样的动态体验,活动制作人可以利用这些体验来吸引观众.


MediaPlatform® Autocaster

MediaPlatform®Autocaster是一个自动化的网络广播平台,允许企业视频制作团队安排和监控已经预先制作和计划提前运行的自动播放事件(或“自动播放”),而无需制作人或参与控制工作室设备. “自动播放”可以包括实时观众参与工具,以收集和反映来自每组现场观众的反馈,并捕获每个事件的分析,包括出席率和观看特征. MediaPlatform Autocaster®使企业能够预先制作网络广播的各个方面,以减少人才和百家乐软件瓶颈, 通过将录制的视频重新定位为动态现场观众体验的核心,减少现场事件的故障点,并吸引更多的观众. 


MediaPlatform® On Demand

MediaPlatform® On Demand gives organizations a ‘corporate YouTube’ experience that lets them easily and efficiently use
streaming media to improve corporate communications, enhance training and enable collaboration. On Demand is an intuitive,
基于频道的在线视频门户,员工可以查看, capture, search, manage, rate, 分享流媒体视频
通过他们的台式电脑、平板电脑或智能手机随时随地. It lets companies make all their video assets discoverable and shareable via a secure, searchable portal. 


MediaPlatform® Smartpath

MediaPlatform® Smartpath是一个网络不可知论者, 覆盖路由技术,确保观众在众多公司网络技术中接收到最佳质量的实时视频流. Smartpath is used by Global 2000 companies to optimize their existing networks for video delivery. Smartpath provides a rules-based engine that defines the optimal streaming format, 每个公司网络站点的比特率和传输协议,并定义如何管理故障转移和冗余. Recognizing that most large webcasting customers have disparate networks, Smartpath独特地集成了广泛的网络技术-从自己的MediaPlatform Edge eCDN到对等和公共cdn -并支持广泛的流选项-从多播到移动.



MediaPlatform®视频商业智能(VBI)提供实时直播网络直播监控和事件后网络分析,为网络直播利益相关者提供可测量和可量化的指标,证明最终观众获得了高质量的视频体验,并且视频按照预期有效地在公司网络中传递. VBI gives technical teams the ability to monitor and troubleshoot live event issues in real time, 而不是依靠支持电话或轶事反馈. Post-event, Network and IT teams use its massive data collection capabilities to fine-tune Smartpath delivery rules, and to identify and shore up network weak spots prior to future webcasts.



MediaPlatform®事件成功仪表板提供了下一级分析,使组织能够清楚地了解他们的CEO市政厅或全公司范围的商业广播在技术上的表现, as well as how their audiences are reacting to the information that’s being presented. 通过改进的受众体验,包括情感跟踪和高度直观的管理仪表板, the Event Success Dashboard displays: how live streams are being delivered to users across internal networks; timeline-based dynamic
sentiment scoring they can use to gauge messaging effectiveness and give to presenters during events; quality of service roll-up scores for quick event technical grading, and much more. lets event organizers see audience sentiment and webcast performance in real time via intuitive displays. 


MediaPlatform® Edge

MediaPlatform® Edge帮助组织优化其现有的企业网络基础设施和可用带宽,用于直播和点播视频.  Edge是一种基于软件或设备的解决方案,用于提供实时视频和按需缓存视频,从而在整个企业中创建一个无处不在的视频分发解决方案-或企业内容交付网络(eCDN). Edge是MediaPlatform灵活性的一部分, network-agnostic distribution approach which enables enterprises to leverage existing infrastructure, in addition to offering software-based solutions in combination with media server technologies, 以尽可能低的成本解决任何类型的网络现实,无论是直播还是点播视频.


MediaPlatform® Bridge

MediaPlatform®Bridge允许公司使用他们的视频会议技术作为实时网络广播的来源. Bridge is an intuitive, 基于云的解决方案,通过允许远程演示者使用主流视频会议工具加入网络广播,让管理员增强实时事件. Bridge converts video from any SIP-based video conferencing endpoint or bridge, 包括来自思科等领先供应商的数据, Polycom, Zoom and Pexip, 成为网络直播的优质来源. Bridge让网络直播管理员增加对现场活动的兴趣和注册,为令人垂涎的演讲者(如行业分析师)提供了特别方便, bellwether customers and technology gurus - to join from their home offices, rather than travel to studios or take on complex camera/encoder set ups. 



As the world’s largest reseller of the Peer5 WebRTC technology that is now Microsoft’s eCDN, MediaPlatform拥有无与伦比的专业知识,可以在全球2000强企业网络中优化部署微软的新eCDN产品.  MediaPlatform作为一个值得信赖的合作伙伴,确保微软eCDN解决方案在每个公司范围内的正确部署, and is operating at peak efficiency throughout the enterprise's project lifecycle.






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