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In the highly competitive realm of streaming, the battle for retaining subscribers continues to intensify. 在视频流媒体环境中取得成功需要在内容获取和原创制作方面进行持续投资, 除了专注于提供卓越的用户体验和利用数据洞察力,在快速发展的环境中吸引和留住用户.

The biggest factor affecting audience retention is quality of experience (QoE). 当流媒体体验不能满足当今挑剔的观众的期望时, they will look to another service. This article explores why end-to-end quality assurance (QA), 介质质量监控, 而深入的视频分析对于视频服务提供商满足日益增长的视频消费者需求起到了至关重要的作用. 

Meeting Evolving Viewer Expectations and Technology Requirements

Today’s viewers expect more than just high-quality video content. Since content choices are wide and deep, 提供个性化推荐的智能GUI是一个非常理想的功能. 新, 迎合不同年龄层不断变化的消费者口味的新鲜内容也很重要,这对保持观众的满意度有很大帮助.

Apart from a tremendous increase in on-demand content, and partly because of it, consumers are addicted to binge-watching their favorite television series. 此外, viewers now expect platforms to prioritize user privacy and data security, offer ad-free or less intrusive ad experiences, and provide interactive features that enhance engagement. 完美下载, intuitive user interfaces, accurate subtitles and captions, and consistent audio quality are important factors as well.

As the demand for high-quality video streaming experiences grows, QC和监控解决方案需要提供全面的测试和分析能力. This includes assessing video and audio quality, real-time error detection and alerts, 监控 playback performance across different devices 网络条件, and ensuring compliance with standards and regulations. 可以预测错误的智能机器学习(ML)驱动的解决方案可以极大地帮助视频服务提供商提高服务质量和体验. 与内容管理系统和工作流自动化工具的集成还有助于在整个内容生命周期中无缝实现和管理质量保证过程.

How Emerging Technologies are Addressing the Demand for High-Quality Streaming

Several emerging technologies are making an impact on quality assurance, 监控, and analysis in video streaming. 例如, through ML video service providers can automate 监控, collect quality metrics, and drastically improve the streaming experience. 内容感知编码,如果做得好,可以在减少带宽的同时实现更高质量的视频.

感知质量评估技术通过模拟人的感知提供更准确的视频质量评估. 实时分析平台提供主动解决问题和优化流工作流程. 此外, 与人工智能驱动的优化集成的cdn在增强内容交付方面被证明是有效的. 这些进步共同使流媒体提供商能够为观众提供卓越的流媒体体验. 

流媒体提供商必须投资这些技术,并确保这些解决方案的准确性, given the ever-changing nature of video content. 

采用更新、更高效的压缩格式(如AV1和VVC)非常重要, as well as developing standards for low latency. By keeping pace with new technologies, 视频服务提供商可以在不断发展的流媒体服务领域保持竞争力.

The Need for End-to-End QA in Today’s Multiscreen World

各种设备上的视频消费无处不在,这就产生了对端到端QA解决方案的更大需求. QA确保流媒体体验在不同平台上保持一致和高质量, 屏幕尺寸, 决议, 操作系统, 吃嫩叶的动物, 网络条件. With end-to-end QA solutions, video service providers can verify compatibility with unique device features, maintain user experience consistency, and test for accessibility and compliance with industry standards.

有几个最佳实践可以跨多个设备实现端到端QA流程. 首先也是最重要的, 确定需要视频监控的关键接触点并为每个接触点开发量身定制的测试配置文件至关重要. 例如, for OTT and VOD services, 主动监视, including availability and HTTP download checks, 是至关重要的. 在CDN和边缘级别模拟网络条件可以减轻与最后一英里交付相关的问题.

必须确保监控工具在本地和云平台之间提供软件兼容性. 另外, 与CDN和设备级QoE提供商的集成可以通过智能的根本原因分析促进快速故障排除. By implementing these measures, 视频流提供可以确保跨各种设备的无缝和顶级流媒体体验.


采用端到端QA解决方案的流媒体提供商将更好地为其受众提供卓越的体验, attract and retain subscribers, 并最终在竞争激烈的视频流媒体领域站稳脚跟.

Beyond QA, 介质质量监控 is essential. A 监控 solution that’s efficient, 可定制的, 并提供灵活的许可和定价选项,以满足流媒体提供商的多样化需求. The landscape has evolved, 效率和成本效益现在是影响关键决策的首要考虑因素. With the streaming industry becoming increasingly competitive, 端到端QA和监控在提供高质量流媒体服务方面发挥着关键作用.

[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from Interra系统. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

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Considerations for Providers Shifting from QAM to IP Video Delivery Networks

传统的, controlled broadcast environments are being replaced by dynamic, 多个应用程序和服务必须和谐共存的复杂生态系统. The challenge is to maintain the quality of a provider's main service, like linear TV with dynamically inserted ads, 同时适应第三方应用程序的各种需求和潜在干扰. Yoann Hinard of Witbe discusses the challenges faced throughout this process, including remote 监控, 动态AD插入, and QC testing across devices.


随着云迁移的急剧增加以及观众越来越不愿意容忍视频流质量问题, Telestream的Joel Daly概述了质量监控对云原生OTT流媒体至关重要的三个原因.

视频质量 Monitoring in the Age of Time-Shifted Viewing

Joel Daly of Telestream discusses the rise in time-shifted viewing, alerts service providers to image quality 监控 challenges, and brings them up to speed on advances in technology that help address them.

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